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We are proud to announce the release of this premium product to our wall mounted fire range. The fire is 50 inches wide, that’s 127cm. Our previous biggest was 88cm wide. This will add a huge amount of style to a large room, creating a beautiful, contemporary centerpiece.
– 50 inches wide black glass
– 3 colour LED Flame effect colours with 4 brightness levels
– Heat coming out of the front of the fire blowing into the room.
– This fire can be inserted into a wall so that it is totally flush to the wall.
– Pebbles, Log fuel effect and clear crystals all included for the fire fuel effect
– Remote and Touch panel control
– Two heat settings – 750w or 1500w (adjustable on the touch screen panel on the fire and on the remote)
– Heat timer to allow settings between 30 minutes and 7.5 hours (in 30 minute intervals)
– Large Width Wall Fire: Size 128.0 (Width) 54.4 (Height) 14.0 (Depth) (all in cm)
– Safe Black Tempered Glass
– Touch Panel control on the fire which goes out after use
– Remote controlled
– 3 Different LED Flame colours to select from all with TruFlame – costing approx 1pence to run for 4 hours.
– Four levels of LED flame brightness
– Flame only setting via LEDs never need to change a bulb (no heat)
– Heat flows from the front of the fire and into the room
– Capability to not only be wall mounted via the bracket but to be inserted into a wall and flush mounted
– CE compliant
– Wall mounted electric fire with log effect, pebble effect and crystals all included in the box
– Bevel edge black glass front panel
– Safety thermal cut-off device (to prevent overheating)
– Easy to fit – simply mount the bracket on the wall (few screws), then the fire slots onto this – really simple or can be inserted into a hole for flush mounting
– Space between the fire and the edge of the glass to put a plug socket to hide any wires
– Detailed fitting instructions with illustrations in manual
– Contemporary design
The modern trend with fireplaces is to install them as part of a media wall, typically with a TV above and soundbar etc. This TruFlame fireplace will fit the bill perfectly for this application. It can also be wall mounted if you wish but a great deal of customers are now focusing on creating breathtaking media walls. There are other branded fires out there which can create this effect but we see prices over £2k and feel our TruFlame offering provides a balance in this market.
As can be seen in the image here a prior customer of ours has created a beautiful install with modern colours and finishes. This creates a stunning centerpiece for the room and removes all wiring from sight. Builders/Joiners are now used to customers requesting these custom media wall builds so finding someone to do the work shouldn’t be difficult at all and i think most will agree that the finishing result is magnificent.
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